
14 April / Optimize
There is no typical day. There might be typical Sundays or typical Wednesdays, but given that the world measures work in weeks, the ebb and flow of life is along the same lines. A few lucky or unlucky people might have deterministic days, but for the rest of us, the best unit of planning is the week. I’ve long since had the habit of planning my weeks out on Monday morning.
09 April / Game
One of my favourite genres were shoot-em-ups or SHMUPS as they’re called. The basic premise is simple. You pilot a craft. The player’s view is usually vertically aligned. The screen scrolls vertically. Tons of enemy crafts come from the top, you blast them to bits. Some of them shoot back, some try to hit you, others just exhibit some sort of random or deterministic motion. Over time, you get better weapons, better shields and so on, and the enemies get tougher and smarter.
01 April / Life
I’ve lived in a few different cities. Of the lot, I’ve lived in Bangalore the longest - over half my life. It is where I live now, and there’s a lot I love about the city - the people, the weather, the labour market, the eating options, shopping and entertainment, etc. There’s a couple of things I don’t like at all - the lack of water, the spotty electricity, the pollution and the traffic.
16 February / Optimize
I’ve been working in the same place for over a decade now. In all that time, I’ve always worked on the same technology. While my work has been quite varied and rewarding, it has meant that I’ve atrophied in many ways. This year, I’ve started work on refreshing my tech skills again. It’s been a hard road so far because I don’t have a lot of time and because it’s been so long since I’ve done that.