
13 February / Read
I’d been looking for heart-warming upbeat fantasy as a counterpoint to the reams of dark fantasy I’d been reading. A post on Reddit’s r/fantasy around a similar ask taught me that the community had a term for the opposite of ‘grimdark’ - ‘noble bright’. There were a number of responses citing books that fit the sub-genre, and of the lot, two that interested me were Katherine Addison’s The Goblin Emperor and Martha Wells' Books of the Raksura
20 December / Optimize
Resolutions are too large and grand. Habits are very granular and lead you in a general direction. Short-term goals form a nice meeting place between the two. I’ve been following a monthly schedule for my goal-setting. It offers enough time to do something substantial, while also allowing for quick wins or course corrections. In doing so, I’m seeking a balance of things to focus on for a given month. I’ve broken my goals into four categories
14 December / Code / Tech
I’d been hosting my website using WordPress on Arch Hosting. They just sent an email stating they’re shutting down in a month, which meant I needed to find a new host and migrate my website. I had two options find another WordPress host, run a backup on the current host, restore on the new host and re-point my DNS switch away from WordPress and take greater control over my content Option 1 is the easier by far.
02 December / Tech
My generation has been part of the greatest land grab in the history of the world. We own every habitable piece of this world. In a matter of a few decades, every fertile piece of land has been occupied by us. Newcomers, and there are millions of them every year, are forced to tend to the scraps we left them, or barter with us at ruinous cost. Ok, enough dramatics.